Reposession of my titles!

Reposession of my titles!

It feels like it was a long time coming, but in actuality, it's only been five years of contract, which really isn't that long for a book to be tied up with a publisher. Even so, I was getting impatient to have their rights to returned to me.  Now, I'm happy to be able to add to my book collection some of the novels that have been translated into foreign languages over the years.  Since I had a slamming good translator for Portuguese almost every book I've produced has been translated into that language. Spanish is second. There are also a few French, Dutch, Italian, Afrikkans to add to the collection. The additions will be slow as I can only post them as their contracts expire with the publisher but it's happening over this next year or so. Some have already been returned to me and I am posting them as quickly as I can, but keep checking for more!

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